Bird Friendly
Did you know that most coffee farms remove critical habitats for birds and other wildlife?
Bird Friendly certified coffee does more to protect birds and wildlife than any other certification. Developed by Smithsonian scientists, the Bird Friendly certification ensures a mix of foliage cover, tree height, and biodiversity that creates quality habitat for birds and other wildlife.
Instead of clearing rainforest, Bird Friendly coffees grow underneath
shade trees that provide habitat for birds, including migratory species, whose impressive journeys can take them from the backyards of the US and Canada all the way to coffee farms in Latin America. Shade trees sequester carbon and protect farmers’ crops from increased temperatures and rainfall - fighting climate change and its effects.
Shade-grown coffee beans also mature slower under the forest canopy, which leads to larger beans with a higher quality flavor profile - creating a delicious, more complex, deep flavor.
We are proud to be Vermont's first certified Bird Friendly coffee roaster. Check out our feature in Seven Days to learn more!